Friday, 20 July 2012

Novella Royale

I want one of everything in these pictures please! Oh to be rich and buy whatever I fancied...In fact if I was rich I would pay Ashley Glorioso to style me constantly.  I love everything she works on! 

All images Here by the amazing Zoey Grossman

Sunday, 13 May 2012

Bindi : Obsession

So from the age of about 15 - 21 I rarely went out without a bindi.  I was deep in the midst of my Gwen Stefani obsession (it continues...but I don't have to have my own version of her every outfit these days...) I still have a big stash of them bought from various festivals and Nag Champa filled shops so I will definitely be adorning my forehead with gems again this summer.

Sunday, 8 April 2012

Printemps à Paris

So now I totally get all the fuss about Springtime in Paris.  I just had the most beautiful sunshine-filled few days being a proper tourist and loving every minute of it.  I've been to Paris a couple of times before but never saw what everyone loves about it, that's changed now and I can't wait to go back.

Thursday, 22 March 2012

Carly Waito

I think Toronto-based artist Carly Waito's work is breathtaking.  Her attention to detail is incredible and as a fan of anything gemstone or mineral based, I would love to have any one of her paintings on my walls.

All images

Sunday, 11 March 2012


A peek into my Sunday, potting Spring flowers, embroidering a cushion and a painting in progress

Sunday, 4 March 2012

Spell & Fa' Empel

I adore Spell & the Gypsy Collective their jewellery is incredible and I have to stop myself looking at their blog too often, as I can easily get sucked in and scroll through the archives for hours.

Their latest shoot with Fa' Empel (So beautiful and incredibly stylish) is just perfect. The photography, styling, setting - wow, I could look at these images for hours.

Their tumblr also has me craving summer and travelling like you wouldn't believe.